Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ocean Navigation

Throughout this school year I have learned many things about Ocean Navigation. The Class and I have been working with compasses and we have learned how to use them. When we use a compass we have to make sure the compass is on a flat surface so It show us the right direction. Also this week in class we had to do a project, my project was too research a man by the name of John Harrison. I learned that John Harrison had built the Chronometer and it had taken him years to build. The Chronometer is an instrument for measuring time, especially one designed to keep accurate time in spite of motion or variations in temperature, humidity, and air pressure. Chronometers were first developed for marine navigation, being used in conjunction with astronomical observation to determine longitude. Another thing that I have learned is how to locate the North Star, the North star is located near the little and big dipper, there are stars that are part of the dipper that are pointing to the North star. This helps me because I used to think that the North Star was the brightest star in the sky but really it isn't, so if I was lost I would know where to  look. The North Star is not visible from the southern hemisphere but is extremely visible in the Northern Hemisphere. The last thing that I have learned about the North star is that it may not be the brightest star in the sky but it is the brightest star in the Little dipper.

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