Thursday, October 30, 2014
Ocean Navigation
Throughout this school year I have learned many things about Ocean Navigation. The Class and I have been working with compasses and we have learned how to use them. When we use a compass we have to make sure the compass is on a flat surface so It show us the right direction. Also this week in class we had to do a project, my project was too research a man by the name of John Harrison. I learned that John Harrison had built the Chronometer and it had taken him years to build. The Chronometer is an instrument for measuring time, especially one designed to keep accurate time in spite of motion or variations in temperature, humidity, and air pressure. Chronometers were first developed for marine navigation, being used in conjunction with astronomical observation to determine longitude. Another thing that I have learned is how to locate the North Star, the North star is located near the little and big dipper, there are stars that are part of the dipper that are pointing to the North star. This helps me because I used to think that the North Star was the brightest star in the sky but really it isn't, so if I was lost I would know where to look. The North Star is not visible from the southern hemisphere but is extremely visible in the Northern Hemisphere. The last thing that I have learned about the North star is that it may not be the brightest star in the sky but it is the brightest star in the Little dipper.
where does sand come from?
Where does sand come from? How are beaches formed? What can you learn about an area by looking at sand?
Sand is basically the material you get when you get a breakdown in rocks, when the rocks weather and decompose over hundreds of thousands and millions of years. Sand is very interesting and i wonder if sand is going to keep on changing over the course of years.
You can learn a lot about an area by just looking at the sand. Beaches with white sand are said to be Parrotfishes poop. The reason why the Parrotfishes poop so much is because Parrotfishes do not have stomachs. Their meals pass straight through the long intestine, exploding in a cloud of sand out the backdoor. Larger "Parrotfishes" poop 840 pounds of sand per year. So therefore this is why most of our Hawaiian beaches are made up of white sand.
After reading these articles on beaches i have learned how to detect where the sand has come from. Every time i go to a beach now i am going to think about this experiment and try to comprehend where that sand has come from and how t has been developed.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Coastal Geology
How have the history and culture of coastal areas been affected by their geology?
By animals and fossils accumulate into the earths surface. As they die, their shells or what ever it may be accumulate on the bottom, as they accumulate their folds have been eroded into ridges. Over years this happens and it cannot be changed. It is like evolution for our earths crust and it is only going to keep happening by what ever it may be that is living and dying on it.
One example of this happening is by the lab activity that we did in class "dance of the continents". The continents of our earth move and develop over the course of years and they are never going to stop because of our earth spinning and the plate tectonics moving. The plate tectonics are plates deep in the earth that move or shift every so often.
That is how history and culture have affected the coastal areas by their geology over the course of many years.
By animals and fossils accumulate into the earths surface. As they die, their shells or what ever it may be accumulate on the bottom, as they accumulate their folds have been eroded into ridges. Over years this happens and it cannot be changed. It is like evolution for our earths crust and it is only going to keep happening by what ever it may be that is living and dying on it.
One example of this happening is by the lab activity that we did in class "dance of the continents". The continents of our earth move and develop over the course of years and they are never going to stop because of our earth spinning and the plate tectonics moving. The plate tectonics are plates deep in the earth that move or shift every so often.
That is how history and culture have affected the coastal areas by their geology over the course of many years.
Dynamic earth
What forces do scientists think cause tectonic plates to move?
Its just when two plates slide past each other, that creates tension which usually creates an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, or even a tsunami. When Tectonic plates move and cause earthquakes, that's most commonly a strike slip fault. that's what the San Andreas fault is, a strike slip.
Movement of tectonic plates is driven by the Earths internal, heat which causes convection in the mantle. Rocks in the mantle behave the same way, but because they are solid, the movement is millions times slower. the rocks in the mantle have a small amount of melt.
According to the theory of plate tectonics, what changes will occur to the oceans and the continents over the next millions of years?
The oceans and the continents will move over time and the continents will possibly puzzle back up with each other. Also the oceans will become bigger and new oceans will form. Our earth orbits and our plate tectonics move so therefore our continents and oceans will move and change very slowly.
Its just when two plates slide past each other, that creates tension which usually creates an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, or even a tsunami. When Tectonic plates move and cause earthquakes, that's most commonly a strike slip fault. that's what the San Andreas fault is, a strike slip.
Movement of tectonic plates is driven by the Earths internal, heat which causes convection in the mantle. Rocks in the mantle behave the same way, but because they are solid, the movement is millions times slower. the rocks in the mantle have a small amount of melt.
According to the theory of plate tectonics, what changes will occur to the oceans and the continents over the next millions of years?
The oceans and the continents will move over time and the continents will possibly puzzle back up with each other. Also the oceans will become bigger and new oceans will form. Our earth orbits and our plate tectonics move so therefore our continents and oceans will move and change very slowly.
1.The field of navigation includes four general categories: land navigation, marine navigation, aeronautic navigation, and space navigation.Navigation is a field of study that focuses on the process of monitoring and controlling the movement of a craft or vehicle from one place to another.
2. It would have helped because it would have shown where to go from the school yard. The Compass would have shown you North and south of where you are standing. Also you can tell where u are by using a compass because all you have to do is follow the direction that you want to be in.
Chart makers and navigators both shared the skill of being able to read and design charts. when reading a chart it is almost like reading a map, you are able to tell where you are and what direction each place is on the chart. Also navigators read the longitude and latitude of the chart that the chart makers made. Each group of people showed significant amount of skill in charts made by others which often had long distances between the landmarks on the charts.
6. On long Voyages, estimating distance becomes more important than for short trips. Early open ocean navigators estimate the distance they had traveled by compasses and maps. the maps had shown the latitude and longitude of where they were and how far it was they had to travel. Also the compasses had shown them the way it was they wanted to go and they would just follow it from there.
who exactly made the charts and maps of the ocean and how did they figure it out?
how is a compass relevant for hikers and boaters to use?
I think that modern navigators should learn the skill of detecting where they are without using a gps. I believe this because when people get lost they usually do not have the technology that u would have if you were lost. I think that navigators should be able to detect where they are especially because there job is to navigate and you should be able to know where it is you are going without technology.
2. It would have helped because it would have shown where to go from the school yard. The Compass would have shown you North and south of where you are standing. Also you can tell where u are by using a compass because all you have to do is follow the direction that you want to be in.
Chart makers and navigators both shared the skill of being able to read and design charts. when reading a chart it is almost like reading a map, you are able to tell where you are and what direction each place is on the chart. Also navigators read the longitude and latitude of the chart that the chart makers made. Each group of people showed significant amount of skill in charts made by others which often had long distances between the landmarks on the charts.
6. On long Voyages, estimating distance becomes more important than for short trips. Early open ocean navigators estimate the distance they had traveled by compasses and maps. the maps had shown the latitude and longitude of where they were and how far it was they had to travel. Also the compasses had shown them the way it was they wanted to go and they would just follow it from there.
who exactly made the charts and maps of the ocean and how did they figure it out?
how is a compass relevant for hikers and boaters to use?
I think that modern navigators should learn the skill of detecting where they are without using a gps. I believe this because when people get lost they usually do not have the technology that u would have if you were lost. I think that navigators should be able to detect where they are especially because there job is to navigate and you should be able to know where it is you are going without technology.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
What are the historical roots of ocean exploration?
Brandon Barlow
Class B
So far in Oceanography we have learned many things. These past few weeks we have been learning about historical roots of Ocean exploration. One thing that the class did was we had to do a project on a historical person. The person that i had to do research on was John Harrison. While doing research i have learned that John Harrsion created the chronometer, which is an instrument for measuring time, especially one designed to keep accurate time in spite of motion or variations in temperature, humidity, and air pressure. Chronometers were first developed for marine navigation, being used in conjunction with astronomical observation to determine longitude. Another thing that i have learned in Oceanography is how to locate the North Star. The North Star lies at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper and is not the brightest star in the sky. The North Star actually has medium brightness. One other thing that we have learned this past week is how to use compasses. When you use a compass you have to make sure it is on a flat surface and the arows are settled in one direction, you then proceed in the direction you want to go the compass was invented in about 206 BC by the Chinese, Han Dynasty. It was a magnetic compass used for maritime navigation.
People such as John Harrison took a huge impact back then on there discoveries. Another man that we learned about was Christopher Colombus who was an Italian explorer who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492, hoping to find a route to India in order to trade for spices. He made a total of four trips to the Caribbean and South America during the years 1492-1504. Another thing we learned about was the earliest recorded sea voyage, which was the Egyptians, at about 3200 BC. according to the Bible Noah's Ark was before the Egyptians first sea voyage, but there is no official record of it happening.
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