Friday, September 27, 2013

copper chloride lab

Proper scientific technique  requires careful observations to make conclusions. This past week we have been working with copper and chloride mixed together. Here the observations that we took.

  1. the first observation that we noticed was that the copper chloride was a solid
  2. next we established that it was a poison
  3. the color of It was green/blue
  4. it is dangerous to work with
  5. fragile
  6. soft
  7. clumpy
  8. once we poured it into the water it turned green
  9. as it spread out in the water it was grey/white
  10. It slowly dissolved
  11. top of the cup was green and so was the bottom
  12. middle was still whit/grey
  13. particles of the powder was floating around
Put the tinfoil in:
  1. the tinfoil turns black
  2. bubbles started to form
  3. tinfoil starts to dissolve
  4. the tinfoil then starts to fall apart
  5. water stays the same
  6. the tinfoil goes from black to dark red
  7. little parts of the tinfoil are still silver
  8. blackish/reddish pieces start to fall off
  9. the tinfoil rips in half
  10. fell completely apart
  11. once it fell apart it started to float
  12. the tinfoil is completely red now
  13. water changes color and is blueish/black
Sat over night- Next Day:
  1. liquid is pale blue
  2. looks like sand on bottom
  3. if you pick glass up and look at the bottom of it. it is dark purple/brown
  4. turns white when u mix it
  5. it was white and then turned blue when we added the acid
  6. bubbles started to shoot up
  7. started to sizzle
  8. red powdery ball at the bottom
  9. powder on sides is green
  10. everything seems to dissolve

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